

Are we ready for tech to alter our moods?

April 2, 2015
Written by HAVAS:: Just
Categories: Digital

When it comes to most things ‘new’ I wouldn’t say I was an early adopter but Thync (@thync) are in the midst of FDA approvals for some wearable tech that alters your mood on demand.


In summary:

Electrodes attached to your head + 20mins of electrical stimulation = altered brain function

  • Calm vibe = significant relaxation capabilities
  • Energy vibe = significant increase in cognitive function

It won the Cool Tech award at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) this year and developers are looking to make it commercially available and affordable late 2015/early 2016.

Needless to say – I want one.

If it can turn the editor of New Scientist (@newscientist), Sally Adee from a comically inept soldier into a ‘killing machine’ then I can’t wait to get my hands on it.

A way to control something that can sometimes be so unpredictable seems like a dream come true. I can be better at my job, more switched on in sports, relax at the end of the day into a restful sleep etc but it all seems too easy and this could have a huge impact on society.

  1. Should we be zapping our brains regularly?
  2. What are the risks of addiction?
  3. Will it be another way to divide ‘the classes’?
  4. Can/should health systems get involved?
  5. Are there any physical / psychological negatives that require treatment themselves?

The list goes on.

Clay Dillow wrote an article for Fortune (@FortuneMagazine), where Jamie Tyler (Co-Founder of Thync) does state that, “People have been doing this [altering our moods] forever, this is nothing new. I think this is the kind of product people have been waiting for.”

I’m inclined to agree and arguably, is zapping your brain with electricity healthier than drowning it in alcohol or confusing it with drugs to ‘get through’? We’ll soon see.

But if you aren’t interested in electricity, Molly McHugh from The Daily Dot (@dailydot) talks about how Mindfulogy (@Mindfulogy) want to use ‘vibratory stimulus’ with their crowd funded Zen Vibez device instead of electricity…

So, enjoy, Thync on and let me know your thoughts in the comments section or on Twitter.
