

Just:: Thirsty Thursdays

May 21, 2015
Written by HAVAS:: Just

May has to be one of my favourite months. Finally we are emerging from what feels like an unusually long winter. The days are long, the sun is shining and everywhere is green and lush. The vitamin D top up is welcome, because May also marks one of our busiest times of the year.

Project briefs are flying through the door and our current clients are ramping up for congress season. We are all looking forward to a long, hot summer but at the same time sort of hoping it doesn’t come too quickly because there is an awful lot to do before then!

In the melee it is easy to forget to look up, look around, get some perspective. But now is the time we need that most.

At Just:: we are all about seeking external stimuli and looking at related worlds for solutions to our clients’ challenges. Sometimes the best ideas can come from the most unlikely of conversations.

So last week we hosted our first Just:: Thirsty Thursday – a chance to network with colleagues, meet up with people we haven’t seen in a while, and get introduced to some new faces.


A buzzing Southwark bar filled with media types was a fitting venue, and some bubbly beverages helped to get the conversation flowing. Everyone was tasked with bringing somebody along – old team mates, suppliers, friends, family – anyone who fancied a drink and a chat.

As well as our talented bunch of Justees, amongst the guest list we had a Turner-prize nominated musician, an expert in patient-centric service design, and some hugely creative designers who came all the way from Cheshire! The beauty was there was no agenda, no pressure to make a good impression or generate business leads  – just time to talk, reflect and explore ideas with different people with fresh thinking.

This is going to be a regular fixture in the Just:: social calendar, so if you fancy joining us then come along next time.

There are only three rules: keep an open mind, be curious and drink in moderation (or you may not remember all the good ideas you had). I’ll look forward to seeing you there!
