

A very HAVAS Just:: welcome to Nicole Yost!

February 1, 2021
Written by Imogen Clark

As announced in PR Week, we are excited to welcome Nicole Yost to the team as the new CEO of HAVAS Just::, taking the reins from Jennie Talman.

I had the pleasure of getting to know Nicole over a virtual cup of tea last week, delving into her hobbies, guilty pleasures, and experience. What makes Nicole tick? Keep reading to find out.


Thank you for taking the time to talk today, and welcome to the HAVAS family! I thought I’d start with some quick questions first… Cats or dogs?

Dogs. Dogs all the way.


Summer or winter?

I love all the seasons, but autumn is actually my favourite, with all the changes and colours. But at the moment, I’d have to say summer because I’m missing the sunshine.


Mondays or Fridays?

That’s tough, as both have their strengths. Mondays are a fresh start, like a blank piece of paper in a new notebook. It’s the opportunity to set the week and I love it.

I love the atmosphere at work on a Friday when everyone has that ‘Friday feeling’. You can switch off, have family time, maybe a glass of wine…


Oh definitely. Speaking of that Friday feeling, what do you like to do to relax?

I love to cook. I did Veganuary this year for the first time, so I’ve been experimenting with plant-based food a lot. Who knew how many things you could do with chickpeas?!

I’ve also just discovered cold water sea swimming which has been amazing. I live in Whitstable so I’m lucky enough to have the sea on my doorstep. It’s been a real tonic.


What would you do if you won the lottery?

Lockdown and the past year’s events have taught us that there’s so much more to life than money. I’d like to think that if I won the lottery it wouldn’t fundamentally change me. I would hopefully use some of the money to help other people, maybe setting up a little community space.


Do you have any guilty pleasures?

Definitely 80s pop music, although I don’t feel that guilty about it! It’s the cheesy 80s music that makes people think ‘what is this…?’ that I love the most.


How do you challenge yourself?

Physically, I’ve done some spontaneous things in the past like couch-to-triathlon and cycling from Vietnam to Cambodia. I love to travel and am missing this at the moment. Then I guess mental challenges, like taking on new opportunities – we’re never too old to stop learning.

A few years ago, I did my MBA and I’m currently doing a course on executive coaching for behaviour change. I think it’s important to challenge ourselves in different ways.


What do you enjoy most about working in this industry?

I’d say it’s linking the work that we do with the difference that it can make for people. It’s our job as communicators to get the message across creatively to make a real difference. The work that we do can improve patients’ lives. That’s what keeps me motivated and proud to work in this sector.


What is the best/most challenging part of being a CEO?

Both the most challenging and the most exciting part is finding and working with the best people. Our people make our business. I love seeing when teams are motivated to do their best work, take risks and know that the team has their back.


Do you have any tips for people in the industry to excel in their role?

A growth mindset and a good attitude. I’d always rather hire for attitude and train for expertise. We need different types of thinking, talent, and points of view. We need more diversity in our industry. I think it’s as much about attitude, interest and passion as it is about specific skills.


And finally, what is the first thing you will do at HAVAS Just::?

First, I want to focus on people and the agency plan. I’d love for everyone to get away together as an agency as soon as we’re all able to. Also, I’d like to meet clients and look at the work we are doing with them. The third thing for me would be around collaboration and opportunities to work with other parts of HAVAS.  I’m excited to get started!


Thank you very much, Nicole. We’re glad to have you on board!
